Here's today story on CNN:
6 out of the 9 Supreme Court justices attended the annual Red Mass in Washington. The main focus of the speaker (the archbishop) was about using faith in decision making. There are quotes like: "The faith we hold in our hearts must motivate the decisions, the words and the commitment of our everyday existence" and "We are instruments in the hands of the Lord...".
Well, I'm sorry... but which God's teachings are they referring to? Theirs? So by that rationale, if the muslim countries appointed justices that made decisions based on their God's teachings, will that justify certain actions? Like jihad? Or blasphemy laws?
We are talking about 66% of the highest ranked protectors of justice in our country. Isn't their job to simply interpret the law verbatim and not try to start making faith based decisions? I know what most people will say... "well, that's their day job; they are allowed to practice whatever faith they want outside of their jobs". Ok... fair point. Then do you guys also agree with the firing of an NFL referee when photos of him emerged supporting the Saints? His day job was being an unbiased referee and in his spare time, he was a Saints fan, right? What's wrong with that? Well... it's called a conflict of judgement and not being able to be unbiased; that's why he got fired. That's the exact same reasoning here.
Let me put it differently; if 6 of the 9 justices were caught at a KKK meeting, will we be so cool about it? Wouldn't that scare the crap out of you? Then no one will argue about that being their vocation which will not interfere with their day jobs, right? Then why is this any freakin' different?
While other countries are advancing in science and engineering, here we are focused on an election where the 2 candidates are trying to convince the country that their faith is stronger than the other's.
Fuckin' awesome!!