Sep 4, 2012

If you really think about it, we're all atheists about most gods...

... I just take it one god further.

Okay, I can't take credit for that wonderful line... that's from my man, Richard Dawkins. But take a minute to think about it... really think about it. There are about at least 2 dozen mainstream religions (no, scientology isn't one of them) and 1000s of variations amongst them (christianity itself has over 40,000 denominations, each one claiming that they have it right over the others). Most of these religions are mutually exclusive and in direct contrast from each other. Some are mono-theistic (like christianity and islam) and some are poly-theistic (like hinduism). Some are ancient and forgotten (like the greek gods, Thor and Zues), some are funny (like scientology), some are just plain stupid (like the new Jedi-church and it's worship of jedis... like star wars jedis).

So, no matter who you are or what you believe in, there's no one in the world that can possibly believe in all of these, right? So even the most devout catholic is very much atheistic (not agnostic... as in, "hmm, I wonder if the other gods are true", but extremely atheistic, as in "my god is the only true god and all of these other fools have it wrong") about all of the other gods except his/hers. So why is it so hard to understand true atheists (or anti-theists like me) who just simply take it one god further?

This point and the other more important point about no religion = no morals is very well covered in this new 9 minute video, which is actually just an abridged version of Dawkins' book, The God Delusion. But the points in here are worth sitting down and thinking about. I personally believe that if every person, believer or not, were to sit down and with an open mind watched this video, there's a very high chance that they would walk out with a different perspective of their religious beliefs. Open mind and honesty to themselves.

I hope a few people will at least see the video from this link and I would done my part towards cosmic karma :)

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